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Crowdsourcing documentary

Can-Do productions is a community that provides information to keep you informed about everything what is coming in the world. New organisations and existing organisations can get inspired by our knowledge and this will make a better world for young and old.

Abstract - How will Co-creation develop the next years?

This article reviews how ‘Co-creation’ is developing over the world and how different businesses are able to use Co-creation. To give a clear sight of that, stories of companies, Marketers and trend watchers will be used to tell about this phenomenon called ‘Crowdsourcing’ and Co-creation (what includes a form of crowdsourcing).

Marketers found a method to combine Co-creation with the existing method of creating something ‘’new’’. Together with that and a lot of different research we have a much better sight in how Co-creation will develop the following year, with as a key: ‘’companies that give the opportunity to let the crowd participate’’. The evolution of co-creation is more exciting than we did previously think and I think that the results have to do with how internet and social media did develop. This revolution is coming our way and organizations will get their turnover for the biggest part out of fast innovation and participation by the crowd, because this world isn’t that big as you think and problems can be solved any minute.

My believe? We are living a world in a new dimension, a dimension where big organizations have no reason to exist if the customer isn’t happy with their purchase, their co-operation and most of all their PARTICIPATION, one person should have the power to change visions and missions of the old fashioned marketing way, the manipulation way to earn money. A dimension where 24/7 online is key to succeed, shorter periods of time offers answers that are the first answers to questions, the first thought is mostly the best thought but this time everything changes, CREATIVITY is a must although it seems a bit irrelevant on the first sight…

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